Update: When we originally called this post "Gavin's Rubber, We're Glue," we didn't mean THAT kind of rubber. How the hell did we miss this? Check out the first few seconds of anti-Gavin gumshoe Dan Noyes's ABC 7 video -- what the heck's Gavin doing with that Channel 2 mike?

Thanks to a faithful reader (and you commenters!) who pointed it out, via the Drudge Report (which labels it: "CAUGHT ON TAPE: SF MAYOR SIMULATES ORAL SEX ON TV CREW'S STICK MIC."). And we just want to say that SFist Jon is making us run the picture, despite both of our better judgments to the contrary.

--Original post: The hotness that is Dan Noyes! Everyone who's anyone is totally crushing out!

Well, except for -- check out the latest video footage of the ABC 7 I-Team at a mayoral "press conference" yesterday, where a certain light-blue-tied city executive studiously ignores all of Hot Dan's questions about deaths at Laguna Honda Hospital with an increasingly tight smile, finally culminating in a no-eye-contact clipped conversation where Gavin for some reason will only talk to Dan in the third person, about how he's not going to talk to him anymore.

Mature! We can't wait for the next confrontation, featuring Newsom going, "I know you are but what am I?"

Picture still from the ABC 7 I-Team Blog footage. Video's 6 minutes long.

one certain someone