In two weeks, Healthy Saturday comes on a Monday! April 9, City Hall, 1pm: those party animals on the Land Use and Economic Development Committee will be throwing a sure-to-be-fun public hearing about a six-month study on opening up more of Golden Gate Park to pedestrians on the weekends.

Both sides of this issue have been clamoring for a six-month trial, whether they know it or not: the pro-Healthy-Saturdays folks want to spend the summer out of their cars, and the pro-cars folks have been demanding more data, which is exactly what the trial will provide. Everybody wins! Except for the handicapped, who will be permanently forbidden from leaving their homes.

And don't forget, there'll still be ample parking in the park, or at least, under it: even when the roads are opened to pedestrians, cars can still roar up to the gates of the museums and idle in the mostly-empty underground garage, where parking is always ample. It's not free, but then again, cars never are.

After the jump: details on the public hearing.