Can you believe we're going to be on the teevee AGAIN? It's CBS this time, tonight at probably 5:30, 6:30, and 11. The lesson here: if you want a ticket to fame, just videotape a Muni driver and you'll be an instant media-magnet. Even Matier and Ross weighed in on it -- they called us intrepid!

Below is our Friday appearance on KRON, thanks to SFist_Rain's magical Tivo. Alas, we didn't get the 6:00 version, so you'll have to settle for the 5:00 version with its messy technical snafu. But you know, it's stuff like that that makes us love KRON all the more. It's not by accident (or with any shortage of affection) that we compared them to The Muppet Show.

So how does KPIX fit into our characterization of local news stations? Hm. Well, when they called us to do an interview, we were startled to discover that they just happened to be parked in front of our house, totally by coincidence. Maybe that shadowy close-following makes them sort of like Marty Feldman in Young Frankenstein? We're not totally sold on that comparison. Leave your suggestions in the comments. Also: speculate on why this little video could possibly be considered such big news.