The map to your right (from this analysis) is the percentage of people ranking more than one choice in the supervisorial races in November -- but we just think it's awfully pretty. We are going to make embroidered pillows of the Question Time voting results (Crafty SFist Christina, will you help us?)

Anyhow, so this is all a long introduction to let you know that Latterman and DeLeon are speaking at SPUR tomorrow, Wed. Feb. 28 at a brown-bag event from 12:30-1:30, to discuss San Francisco voting trends, the gasp-inducing "Progressive Voting Index," where they figure out just how progressive your district actually is, and dissect the last election and make predictions for the upcoming mayoral election. Sounds like fun! And Latterman, an SFist reader, has promised us there are definitely more maps, and therefore more pillow-crafting opportunities for us, in the offing -- hooray!

Event is $5 for non-SPUR members (free for members), and SPUR is located at 312 Sutter (x Grant), 5th floor.
