What's the most mortifying thing you've encountered in this project?
My mother reading my diary entry about me almost stalking a girl in high school

How many years must pass before people can actually laugh at themselves?
About 7

Do you keep a journal now?

Has the Mortified project changed the way you look at teens today?
Yeah...I realize how we are universally fucked up, confused, and lonely..How our sphere of influence is so small when we are younger and everything seems larger than life...I also realize that although most
of us look back at our teen years as the best time in our lives, most of us were really depressed then, yet even in that depression we felt a more intense kind of life both in the ups and downs..In some ways I kind of miss it, In most ways, I don't

If you could go back and redo your teenage years, what would you do differently?
I wouldn't have been so damn shy, and I would have learned an instrument and other language

Who is on the line up for the 16th/17th
It’s a mostly doomed valentines show, so expect hopeless crushes, embarrassment, and awkwardness... This show features:
Sacha Rothschild: A nice Jewish girl leaves her private school for the public junior high schools of Miami only to enter a world of drugs, sex, and crime.

Nic Arzen: A coming out journal of a man who can’t even tell his diary that he's gay

Ian Fratar: A real hootenanny of back woodsy love poetry

Cindy Picara: A horny 17 year old's search for love or at least a kiss in trashy novels

Ahli Lewis: Inside the love/hate mind of a beauty pageant queen

Amber Milner: True story of a 6 foot 2 awkward 15 year old girl who cant fit in and her spiral descent into depression and horribly bad poetry

Myself: A male point of view on falling in and out of love in a week\

If you can't make the live show, you can always buy SFist's new favorite Coffee Table read: Mortified