And it's not necessarily because he's missing Question Time. No, he's also missing out on the U.S. Conference of Mayors, a less exciting but probably more relevant meeting featuring a Special Guest Appearance by Ms. Pelosi herself. This is bringing the usual jabs from the usual jabbers, mainly Messer’s Daly and Peskin.

Gavin's press guy, Peter Ragone, however, says it's in the best interests of the city for Gavin to go. Besides the fact it's an honor to be invited (it's not like the Mayor of Poughkeepsie New York is invited) but in all the networking and brainstorming, Gavin will be able to put together innovative and cutting edge ideas like city-wide Wi-Fi and environmental plans. We actually aren't surprised Gavin would find this more exciting than answering questions from Chris Daly as this is the kind of stuff Gavin thrives in-- wonkishly earnest discussions about ending such stuff as third world debt, global warming, and orphan kidnappings by publicity seeking celebrities. And actually, would you rather hang out with Brangelina or would you rather hang out with the above mentioned Mayor of Poughkeepsie? Or go to Washington D.C. or Switzerland?

Indeed, there are things that will be discussed at the meeting that are expected to help Gavin out, such as "The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Symposium on Ending Malaria and Making the 38 Geary Run on Time, " as well as the "The Bill Clinton Seminar on Third World Debt Relief and Annoying I-Team Reporters."

Hell, we'd go if we could but as of this writing, there is no Davosist.