The article isn't online, but it's a piece called "All You Really Need To Know About WINE" and Gavin's on page 138, as "Plumpjack Winery Founder and Mayor of San Francisco." It's accompanied by a moody picture of Gavin sitting alone, opening a bottle of wine. (The picture's in black and white so we can't tell what color tie he has on.)

Gavin's in favor of screw-top bottles for fine wine. "I own a winery; corks are a really serious issue for me." Plumpjack started seeing issues with cork quality back in the 90s and went to a screw top system, with which Gavin is very pleased.

In terms of aging, some of these bottles are ten years old now, and every time we have a tasting, nobody gets it right -- nobody knows that they have screw tops. We all come in with preconceived notions about what screw tops do and what corks do over time, and we're always dead wrong.

You know, in looking closer at this picture, we think it might be one of Gavin's red ties. It's too dark to be our favorite light blue. Full picture after the jump.