What were we thinking? With Martin Luther King day approaching, it dawned on us that we missed our big chance, that blessed time between Christmas and New Year when we can actually take off for three weeks without using up all our paid vacation for the year. So what are we to do when our tanned co-workers rave about drinking margaritas on the Mayan riviera? Well for us, there is Blue Heaven Imports.

Located 1021 Market street, right across from the Secrets Adult Superstore, stands a little oasis of Mexican ephemera. Truth be told everything at Blue Heaven Imports looks like it got its price tag affixed sometime back in the 1980's (which is good) and we aren't too sure they'll replace what they sell. Fred and Ruth Olmstead opened their store 55 years ago and they are getting ready to ease into retirement, but in the meantime, there are great deals to be had.

We looked at silver pendants of aztec calendars from Taxco, mexican peasant blouses ($18.95) and extra large Sarape blankets ($24), but since our co-workers won't set foot in our home anytime soon we settled on a leather coin purse embossed with a special sign from Sun God Huitzilopochtli. Then we headed straight to Safeway for some self tanning lotion and Triple Sec.

Blue Heaven Imports
1021 Market Street
open from 11AM to 5PM

By SFist Natacha