We got this story from Friend of SFist, Ian about his MUNI adventure over the weekend.

We were on a 43 bus last night that was hit by a drunk driver on Haight St. at Ashbury. The dude was pulling out of a parallel parking spot and gunned it right into the side of the back half of the bus. Think about that for a second. He was so wasted, he didn't notice a bus filling up all of his left peripheral vision when he pulled out. His front end was ripped off, and we ran over his fender & bumper. He then tried to drive away, swerving all over the place. He passed us on the left, barely able to control the car, then sped off down Haight St., swerving and hitting a couple of cars.

Meanwhile, the bus driver stopped, and didn't know what happened. We told him a car hit him, and walked to the back of the bus to look at the debris in our wake. Everybody on the bus was fine. The bus itself had a small dent and some scratches along the right side. Bus 1, Infinity Coupe 0. We waited about 15 minutes, then a cop showed up and told us they arrested the drunk driver.

While the cop was talking to the bus driver, some dude on the street threw a paper cup full of water or something at the cop. The cop ran & grabbed him, threw him against a building, and read him the riot act before letting him go. We caught the next 43, which had three of the most strung-out sketchy, backpacking hippies I've ever seen in SF. I never think I'll have a MUNI experience that can top my previous bizarro-land bus rides, but last night rocketed to the top of the heap.

Got another fun MUNI story? Or BART? Send them our way...

Image from Boxercox.com