The fire rings would be designated places where bonfires could happen. There would be signs letting everyone know what the deal is with the hope that people would only build bon fires in those designated areas and also know to clean up. This, hopefully, would alleviate the problem of people leaving their trash around and there being really nobody to pick it up.

And there's an extra twist to all of this in that the so-called "bonfire advoctes" are Burners Without Borders, a Burning Man group. So expect every bon fire to be incredibly pretentious and for everyone who attends to not shut up about what a religious experience it was. They're actually going to hold a contest for artists out there to design the rings from which winners would be selected. They hope to be able to buld the thing by Earth Day, of course. As for funds, the Park Service would spring for the bill but there is the possibility of private funds to come in to help.

Also helping is Surfrider Foundation who are promising to help clean up the beach if bonfires are to be allowed.

Picture from the SF Examiner