As we all know, Gavin is up for re-election this year (and why 2007? Aren't big elections supposed to be in even-numbered years? Is this one more "only in SF" type of thing?). So today's Examiner gets all up in Gavin's grill and checks him out. They recap his bout of recent bout of bad news, interview him (blue tie sighting!), and hand out report cards on his 2003 campaign promises.

So let's look through these stories, shall we?

First the campaign promises (and remember, this is all based on what he promised so this thing ain't that in-depth. Remember too, it's the Examiner we're talking about):
-Housing: Not so good on housing as his two big housing bond measures failed
-Crime: hired all the cops and set up all the cameras he promised to although there's no follow up on all the recruits he promised.
-Public transportation: Third Street light rail is going to run but two years late. No mention of anything else pub trans related so if the N broke down for the tenth time this past month, don't look at him.
-Wi-fi: Is "seconds away" from being implemented
-Biotech: Some good, some not so good but better than before.
-City responsiveness: The 311 city government hot line is kind of a joke, but it'll be up sometime this year
-The Homeless: Care Not Cash seems to be somewhat working.

And here's the interview:
-Proud of all of his budgetary work
-And proud of his health care plan
-He'll get right on that police commission thingy
-He's taking a bite out of crime
-Question time was merely a "public opinion poll" and he won't "demean" his office by indulging in the circus that will be question time
-Being Mayor is hard
-He never got to first base with Brittanie even though everyone totally thinks he did
-Loves going to movies but was booed when he went to go see "Passion of the Christ."
-He's a buttered popcorn kind of guy until he started putting on weight
-Loves the turkey sandwhich.

And who doesn't, actually?