Gavin's main bone of contention is that he thinks the police chiefs should get discretion to do what they want to do. The Board of Supes main bone of contention is they've had the discretion and it ain't working. In response, winner of SFist's Mayoral poll, Supervisor Mirkadreamy accused Gavin of playing politics to all of this, to which Gavin replied that no, Mirkarimi is the one playing politics to all of this, to which Mirkarimi accused Gavin of being a poopyhead which brought Gavin's response of "I'm rubber, you're glue, bounces off of me and sticks to you."

As always, the Supes have a chance to override the veto and considering they did last time and considering Mr. Swing Vote Bevan Dufty is no longer getting along with the Mayor, expect this sucker to get over-ridden too.