Now the SFPD is claiming the reason for coming under the hoped-for number is because they have too many cases to solve. And by too many cases, we mean so far there's been ninety gun-related deaths and only sixty were expected, not ninety. And we all know what happens when you have too much work to do. Things get sloppy, you get overwhelmed, and you write long posts that aren't very clever because you've long since run out of things to say. Oh wait, that's us. Inspectors were also saying they've become too busy to do things considering all the trials they have to go to or checking on shootings involving the cops. You know, maybe the cops next year should pull a Scotty maneuver and over-estimate the amount of murders they'll be. So they should say something like "we're expecting 200 gun-related deaths" so that when only 100 or so happen, everyone can breath a sigh of relief knowing that less people were killed than expected.

We're just saying.

Of course, the easy answer to all of this, besides the above answer, is to hire more cops. But we all know what happened there.