Have you been following the drama with the city's bike plan? It's BANANAS, and there's no end in sight. Basically: the city wants to paint bike lanes and allow bikes on trains and so on. But someone sued the city, saying that bicycles might hurt the environment. So, now the city has to do an environmental review in order to prove that the lawsuit is bats**t insane.

For now, the city can still PLAN bike stuff ... it just can't DO any. The MTA (that's Muni + Parking/Traffic) didn't totally have things under control before the lawsuit, and now it's just gotten worse. Additional delays were caused by last month's surprise (at least to us) departure of Bill Lieberman, the MTA's Deputy Director of Planning. Meanwhile, the SFCTA (they're sort of like the MTA's scrappy younger sibling) has a bunch of helpful suggestions, if only someone would listen. And someone is: Dufty, friend to progressives everywhere. After the jump, check out some notes about bikes from this YouTube video of last month's SFCTA Plans & Programs meeting. Good clean procedural fun.