Sometime a few weeks ago, Dennis Richmond's co-anchor stopped being Dennis Richmond's co-anchor and was nowhere to be found. For weeks, the word from KTVU had been only that she was taking a break and that she'll be right back. For her own part, Leslie wasn't talking.

Rumors spread. Did she get fired? Did she quit? Did they Elaine Corral her? Did she accidentally say "you go f---- yourself San Francisco" after Dennis typed it into her teleprompter in response to a fight?

Finally, the Chron's Glimmer Twins, Matier & Ross got to the bottom of it. Yes, she's unhappy. Yes, she's probably leaving. And yes, she and Dennis aren't all schmoopy these days. And apparently she's upset that KTVU didn't do anything when a column in the Oakland Tribune dissed her.

And so, we bid you adieu Leslie Griffith, adieu. We'll miss your overly serious tone and Hillary Clinton suits. We'll fondly remember you when you were nothing but a fresh-faced anchor with really, really long hair. And we'll fondly remember you because your no-thrills approach made KTVU one of the few local news programs that didn't resemble self-parody.