So, to review: they have a kid. They're both gay. One or both may invite their own husband or wife into the family someday. They live together and care for each other and love each other. But according to Pete (the one on the radio, not the Scottish curler), they don't have husband-and-wife feelings for each other, which means that as parents, they're incorrectly in love. So, Pete, what exactly the proper kind of husband-and-wife love that parents ought to have? And how, in your rigorous study of childhood development and family structure, did you determine that Sidney will be suffering?

And, Pete. As long as we're asking questions. Exactly how does one go about determining which kind of love is the Healthy-for-a-Kid kind, and which is the Unhealthy-for-a-Kid kind? What was it, in your close scrutiny of Bevan and Rebecca's relationship, that led you to conclude that they weren't loving each other properly? And where on your patented Healthy-Love-for-a-Kid Scale does the Dufty-Goldfader family fall compared to, say, single parents who don't love each other and live apart? Or parents who stay married despite falling out of love? Or singles who choose to parent all by themselves? Are Bevan and Rebeccas simply not in love enough? What's the threshhold of sufficient love?

What we're really asking, here, is this: why single out Bevan and Rebecca?

And also, what was it like being inducted into the National Soccer Hall of Fame?
