Well, look at this! Our bestest pals Austinist got themselves a big fat profile in Austin's leading local print daily, the Austin American-Statesman. According to Austinist's Co-Editor Matthew Odam (he's the one clutching the "i"):

The pic takes up the entire top of fold in arts section today and story is entire front page. Yikes.

Upon hearing of Austinist's mainstream fame, we understand that SFist Rita has hired a 24 hour on-call manicurist, and this SFist panicked and hit the gym. After all, if one print publication has run with a hot story like this one, the San Francisco Chronicle's call to SFist can only be a few months (years?) away. We're waiting!

But, seriously, folks, congratulations to everyone at Austinist, and to editors Matt and Allen, for getting the kind of recognition a site of Austinist's caliber truly deserves. Great job, guys!