SFist loves a good protest as much as the next person. Especially when it’s on a sunny Friday afternoon. Accordingly, we headed out to see W’s reception at Stanford. Although Stanford protestors are not threatening in any physical sense, they managed to prevent President Bush from visiting the Hoover Institute on campus last Friday. Instead, he and the Hoover fellows showed up at George Schultz’s place (where they were supposed to have dinner) three hours early. Our super secret sources tell us that Mrs. Shultz was not quite ready for guests to show up, but managed to greet the President before running off to change and do her hair and makeup. We also hear that W regaled the Schultz’s children with tales of his C grades (with some B's when he got lucky) at prep school. Triumph of the common man.

Exhibit B: The Army wears clubs and plastic restraints to protest the spandex