One of our readers just forwarded along an email announcing the creation of a new political animal in town -- not the Green Party, not the Democratic Party (and the press release seems to assume without saying that it's certainly not the Republican Party), but the SF Party Party. Check out their leader, Crash, to your right. The motto is: "Like the Green Party.... without that funny smell. ....Like the Democratic Party without all that money."
The Party Party's organizing on a platform promoting later hours for bars, more public transit, bicycle-friendly policies, skate parks, and motorcycles. They say they're just like Rescue MUNI and the bike coalition, except "those guys are mired in the political process and we just want to have fun."
Meetings are at the Toronado, and prospective members, please note: "We are here to have fun... not to do a lot of work. We keep our meetings less than five minutes, so we don't waste too much jukebox money or lose the pool table. " Also, they don't want you to donate money either: "keep it or give it to the Democratic Party so they can buy themselves a message (or at a minimum a massage)."
Their first event is calling other party-party minded folks to show up at the hearing on Friday at 1 p.m. in City Hall about keeping Golden Gate Park car-free. Stop by if you're interested. The (unedited) platform party of their (not un-hilarious) press release is after the jump.
Thanks to the reader who passed this along! Tip us off about your new political party.