Maybe you can go meet Arnie, who has a rescue story very similar to SFist Franny's. Shy dogs of the world unite!

They say the eyes are the window to the soul. And as you can see, this holds true to Arnie. Arnie is a lovable dog, but will take time for him to get use to his new surroundings. He was found on the streets of San Francisco and brought in to ACC. Because he was scared and not knowing where he was, he didn't pass the temperament test, so was about to be put down. Fast forward to today, where he was rescued by GDR and given a second chance at life.

Arnie is with his foster dad right now and doing very well. He's still getting use to being in a new home, but is getting along with his new four-legged roomies. He's shy at first, but is warming up to his foster dad slowly. Arnie is a Chihuahua mix, about 14lbs and roughly 2 years of age. He also has the biggest, most expressive eyes his foster dad has ever seen! Arnie will still need a little help in the house breaking department and puppy class is strongly recommended for this little guy. Young children are not recommended with Arnie.

To learn more about Arnie and Grateful Dogs rescue, see their site.


Have a rescue organization with adoptable pets you'd like SFist to spotlight? Let us know in the comments, or by email