Apple Fires Employee For Having a Sense of Humor

Apple once again shows how it "thinks different" by firing one of its customer service representatives for doing just that! An employee was fired by his humorless VP just for doing a hilarious stand-up routine at an Apple-sponsored talent show, where he was by far the best performer!

by *** 2 days 5 hours ago

by *** 2 days 4 hours ago
Typical of a company that makes money selling "free expression" but stifles its own workforce for doing the same. Digg.

by *** 2 days 4 hours ago
omg that is SO OLD!!! no digg

by *** 2 days 3 hours ago
Video up at Google Video now, at least until apples sensors take it down!

by *** 2 days ago
Nice 2 know that while im waiting for hours on tech support for my overpriced pos imac their making fun of me and writing theyre so called "comedy." This loser got what he deserved.

by *** 2 days ago
u should of bought a pc then dumb-a**

by *** 1 day 20 hours ago
The video and reports of it fail to tell the whole story. He makes it sound like he was fired just for that talent performance, but this blog tells how he was fired for negative comments about the company, customers, and co-workers on his own livejournal.

More Comments below your digg level, after the jump

Image from a Swatch Beat Internet Time website.

submitted by *** 2 days 5 hours ago