It's not that it's rainy. We can handle the rain, or at least be okay with it. It's always rainy this time of year. No. What's getting to us is the whole schizo-ness of the weather. First it's sunny. Then it rains. For about ten minutes. Then it stops for a few hours. Then it rains again for a few minutes. Then it's sunny again. For a few minutes. Then it rains again, usually at the exact moment we get off of BART or are coming back from lunch.

Oh, and then there's the hail. And the occasional bout of thunder and lightning. And the snow, which is kind of cool in a way if it didn't signify the fact that it's also cold as hell. Then there’s the fact that it's not the usually misty, drizzly, wussy rain you typical get here in NoCal. Nope, it's the full on raining cats and dogs type rain. Or at least it is for the few minutes when it does rain.

You know how in every disaster movie, right before the end comes, the weather goes all nuts and it makes even the doubters say, "Oh my God, we need to do something"? That's what the weather is like these days. You know, like right now there's some crazy scientist saying there's a big huge hole in the ozone layer and that the end is nigh and we need to do something but they're being totally ignored by a bunch of scared and witless politician types. But, of course, that would never happen because that only happens in movies.

How crazy has it been? We've left our office in pouring rain only to see it completely sunny and dry about five miles outside the office. During our commute, we've gone in and out of rainstorms as the storm cloud and traffic seems to be competing to see who can get to the city faster. We've also been completely caught in the rain only to look out and see the sun shining not more than fifty feet away from us.

As a result, we pretty much don't know what to wear anymore. Do we wear rain clothes or winter clothes or our big, huge, winter parkas? Should we bring an umbrella or not? And as much as an umbrella is needed, it is a pain to have to constantly schlep the sucker around all the time. Not to mention the fact that the more we carry it, the bigger the chance we have of losing it. Now we just say screw it and grab our rain jacket and umbrella everywhere we go, even if it's just to the corner store or across the street from work to get some lunch. We've just plain old given up.

All we can say is this weather sucks. Well, that and where the hell is spring?