First up is Oakland which is thinking about taxing certain merchants a few extra bucks to help clean up the messes left by customers, something that is apparently becoming a problem. The legislation is primarily aimed at fast-food joints and conveyance stores, especially near schools, as that's where most of the mess is. Which raises the question what is wrong with the kids today? Can't they pick up after themselves or are they to fat these days to bend over and pick something up? Why, when we were kids, we'd walk three miles in the snow to pick up our KFC boxes. Merchants, of course, do not like the new legislation and think it could hurt business. That sound you hear is the sound of the world's smallest violin playing a sad symphony for McDonalds.

Then there's Contra Costa County which is thinking about restricting the amount of fast-food chains in the county, especially near schools. The measure, which was passed by the county Board of Supervisors, doesn’t specifically make clear how it will be done, it just says something must be done. Besides limiting the amount of restaurants in the area, the measure calls for more education and other things to help promote a more "healthy lifestyle." In response, flaks for the fast-food industry basically said, "dream on, white boy" and pointed out that in the end, it's all just a matter of people actively choosing not to eat a Big Mac.

Mmmm....Big Mac....