But today, we got an IM from Om Malik letting us know that TypePad, SixApart's hosted blog service, has had 'an incident.' But we woke up late this morning, and figured it had already been fixed. Sadly, no. For now, millions of posts are unavailable at their permanlinks. We seem to be getting them via RSS, but when we go to the actual pages we're seeing homepages with posts dating from the eleventh. Lord knows what will happen if that data is lost!

We're sure that qualified technicians are working hard to solve the problem, so don't panic! We're going to assume nobody spilled wine on anything during the Holiday Foo Bar, and hope the situation will be resolved. Though we're a mite worried about the response from affected bloggers. But we've also been seeing a lot of the Bloglines Plumber, and Wordpress.com has lagged and stalled on us, too. Even Gmail has been kinda funky lately. Doesn't really inspire a lot of confidence in the thin-client application model.

Update: SixApart reports that everything's back online, and say no data appears lost. They suggest that you republish you blog to fix any lingering errors.