
Campton Place won our heart almost a year ago, in our pre-SFist life, when we ordered a four course meal which ended up an eleven plate effort, with so many freebies thrown in by the house. We mostly remember the epiphany of a dish of olive oil ice cream with a shaving of a sharp parmesan-like grana, and a cured sardine: how strange the dish looked, and how the textures, the temperatures, the flavors all meshed together despite its deconstructed appearance. We also reminisce fondly about the pistaccio crusted piece of lamb, or a turnip soup with sweetbread. The 4 course meal is now $88, which makes it one of the more affordable fine dining experience in the city, considering all the extras. Ne nous quitte pas, Daniel, ne nous quitte pas.

[Update: SFist's plea is coming too late. Since we wrote this, Humm is going to New-York. His decision would un-arguably have been much more difficult had he been aware he received the first 'Fisty for Fancy Restaurant. Reviens, Daniel, reviens!.

Campton Place
340 Stockton Street
781 5555
Picture Courtesy of Campton Place