We think we know what it is.

"Killer Instinct" has been cancelled.

You say you didn't even watch the show? So how could its cancellation have anything to do with your deep depression? We say it doesn't matter. Just vaguely knowing there was another show on the air that was set in San Francisco and, oddly, Vancouver, well, that was enough to bring some joy to your sad life. Alas, you'll never get the chance to learn how...uh....that detective guy could...hmmm....what was his deal, anyway? His dad was a serial killer or something?

OK. We admit it. We didn't watch the show much, either. Not that there was anything else on Friday nights tearing us away. But we did like catching those occasional shots of San Francisco streets and Vancouver neighborhoods if only to remind us that actually being able to live here is whole lot nicer than living in Canada and having to commute to San Francisco every day for work! No wonder that detective was so grumpy!