We don't put up with telemarketers, yeah? There's all these fancy "do not call lists" and all that kind of stuff. You can even post a "no solicitors" sign on your door. But in person? We're screwed.

What the hell do we do about "pedest-o-marketers" -- those jackasses with the clipboards that accost you, usually on Market Street, to tell you about some charity you've never heard of.

Oh, but they don't want to sell you anything. They don't want your money. They just want to be your

Can you believe these people? I'm more inclined to give a couple bucks to a down-on-his-luck homeless guy, or a street performer, than these pompous nitwits.

FIRST of all, this is San Francisco. You know what that means? Most of us are involved in causes. We're a politically active city. We're known for it. I DON'T need you all up in my face telling me where we need our money to go to. In a year with tsunamis and hurricanes, it's a good bet many of the folks on the street have donated, and donated a lot.

There are FAR less invasive ways for you to hype your charity of the week than making me waste the one precious thing I have and don't want to share--TIME. Put it in a damned pamphlet or something.

Oh, and about that "cause of the week" -- it seems to change, but doesn't it always seem to be the same people? The leggy blonde (nerd bait); the cool, shaggy or dreadlocked burnouts, both guys and gals (Phish bait); even a couple of spiffed-up, preppy dudes (Republican bait? Dunno).

Get this through your skull -- we give to charity. We're aware of world events. We don't have much time, and all the stores are crowded and WE'RE IN A BAD, BAD MOOD. So, seriously, get the you-know-what out of my face, particularly when we don't make eye contact. When we're wearing headphones. When we start to walk away faster.

And, please, don't pretend you just "want to have a conversation."

If you wanted results, you'd annoy us less. Kiss off.
