Our friends at Larsen Associates love SFist readers! They've given us passes for the run of engagement of , which opened yesterday at the Opera Plaza cinema.

Holly (Victoria Foyt), is a successful clothing designer with her own boutique. In the course of a tumultuous Mother's Day weekend she is confronted with deceit, elation, desperation, kleptomania, rebellion, addiction and passion, all the while under pressure to save her business and her family in just three days! Peppered with poignant testimonials from the women within the film who “confess” the real and all too often unacknowledged role that shopping play's in their lives, GOING SHOPPING is a comedy which deals with the phenomenon of women's addiction - both good and bad, happy and troubled - to shopping.

Passes are for you and a guest for any Monday-Thursday screening of the film. Enter below by midnight tonight to win. Good luck!

Image from Going Shopping

Going Shopping