SoMa's turning into a regular Upper East Side, as another world-class museum opens on Mission and Third: the Museum of the African Diaspora will officially open this Saturday, December 3, but sneak peeks are going on all week.

MoAD is focusing on presenting works of art and culture from the African diaspora, which includes not only African artifacts but also all elements of world culture -- since we're all from Africa originally (intelligent design proponents, please make your arguments to the contrary in the comments).

Along with the permanent collection, the exhibits kicking off the MoAD debut are "Linkages and Themes in the African Diaspora" and "Dispersed," featuring contemporary work of the African diaspora, and "Made in Africa," featuring stone tools from Africa on loan from the British Museum (their oldest artifacts. Gosh, we hope the Brits didn't steal 'em or anything.)

You can check out the exhibits tonight if you want! Tomorrow, you can still make the cocktail party, or you check out Friday's party too. Or just wait until this weekend. But do go -- it looks great!

Artist's rendition of the interior of the MoAD from the MoAD website