It was almost a year ago that someone put our names on the mailing list of "Faith: The Bay Area's Lay Catholic Newsletter," and it's been an eye-opening couple of months. For example, who knew that local conservatives feel that their arguments against gay marriage are "too religious," an interesting criticism for a Catholic newsletter to raise, and that they haven't provided enough "secular reasons for opposing homosexual unions." Good luck thinking of any. The prevailing attitude in "Faith" surprised us -- they seem to feel that the purpose of marriage is "procreation and education" and that homospouses are mere "help-mates" to each other, capable of neither. What a fascinating position. Fascinating and retarded.

Also in lay-news: A fragment of the skull of Saint Anne (who may or may not have been Jesus' Grandma) recently came to rest at a church in Roseville. From there, it'll hopefully find its way into the Governor -- it's the last piece he needs before being reanimated amidst a feindish late-night lightning storm.