We're sorry, but that's it. We added the SFGate blog to our Bloglines feeds because we figured that we could just ignore Mark Morford and maybe there would be some good stuff. Seriously, we gave them the benefit of the doubt.

But then one David Adams decided that he'd pimp Laurel Wellman's replacement Pati Poblete in our comments (go read it -- it's both poorly written and obsequious). For shame, SPAMmer! You even posted from an IP at prserv.net in Schaumberg, Illinois -- known as AT&T's business services division (check the headers of the spam in this forum thread). Sure, it could be some rogue fan of Pati Poblete who's representing themselves as the Chronicle, but that just doesn't make any sense. We emailed David and the Chron and got no response.

We wouldn't have been so ticked off if the 'Gate blog actually allowed comments (though we can see why -- only Morford's pieces allow trackbacks and, um, no one is maintaining them, further helping SPAMmers). Certainly after writing this, we would have liked to comment on that. While the Chron seems happy to use our comments to advertise, the Culture Blog gives us no such opportunity.

So Hearst Communications, you can suck it.

Update: Well, the 'Gate finally enabled comments on the blog, and David Adams fesses up that he's just a seriously deluded Pati Poblete fan (though we still have our suspicions).