Hey, did you think that local authorities wouldn't cooperate with federal agents who are out to shut down medical marijuana dispensaries? Think again! Impassioned opinion pieces by Kamala Harris and Board of Supervisor resolutions aside, seems that Lt. Marty Halloran was putting up a police line at the Alternative Relief Co-Op so that agents from the DEA, IRS and Treasury Department could ransack their offices. From Ann Harrison's 'On the Record' blog (she says to look for further coverage in the Bay Guardian):

The Sunset Medicinal Resource Center dispensary at 445 Judah Avenue was also been raided. Smiling and relaxed agents with DEA and Secret Service jackets are clustered around the outside of the dispensary. Agents are removing items from the building in sealed plastic bags. Local resident Robyn Few stood outside the dispensary and said she was outraged. “I thought the city of San Francisco was a sanctuary city and didn’t cooperate with the DEA,” said Few.

Of course, the Chronicle led with the authority's statements that the raids were part of an investigaation into money laundering, not using their new powers to supersede state laws to take medicine away from sick people. Harrison also notes that "The city of San Francisco has suspended the planning and building permits for the Green Cross medical cannabis dispensary at 3420 22nd Street."