SFist Amanda, presently on maternity leave, calls in with this report:

Breaking news from Marin! Apparently, there was an attempted murder in Kentfield today, as two men in their 20s wearing white football jerseys shot and injured a resident of Upper Tonyon earlier this afternoon. The assailants escaped, and the area has been locked dopwn by Marin PD and S.W.A.T., all the way down into Gerstle Park.

Wolf Grade into San Rafael, among other streets, have been closed off, helicopters are circling overhead, and did we mention the S.W.A.T. guys running all "hup hup hup"? Residents have been asked to stay in their homes with doors locked, and to report any unusual activity. We're assuming that's "unusual activity" besides all the cops and stuff.

SFist Amanda, contributing via phone