We're pretty inclusive when we say "The Mission." To us, it's anything from 16th to 24th, Dolores to Potrero. The Mission is one of the few places where we really feel like we're in a city, and not the west coast kind. There's actual life on the streets! People walk to get where they need to go! There's lots of small specialty shops, not giant box and brand stores.
We've got a great park, historical churches, world-class restaurants and any kind of fun you might want to have, legal or otherwise. The rents run from bearable to downright affordable, and there are not only families with children roaming the streets, but families with children roaming the streets. And where else in The City can you get a hotdog wrapped in bacon, an authentic taco, live orchids or fresh strawberries from street vendors?
And where else in the universe will you be enjoying a delicious sushi dinner while being serenaded by mariachis? That's right: Solamente en la Mission, amigos!
working class