So Coldplay tickets apparently sold out in less than one minute on Sunday, huh? And there was tons of borderline-illicit craigslist bartering for wristbands, right? But -- come on, Gavin Newsom calling into Alice Radio to gush about how dreamy Apple-Daddy Chris Paltrow-Martin is? We thought he was working around the clock for the City! Is he just sitting around, hitting , redial, redial all afternoon? Is he trying to be the fifth caller to win Live 105 BFD tickets too? If he wants to meet Coldplay so bad, why not just make it a San Francisco Coldplay Day and do it that way? It worked with Dave Matthews! And look, more coyness about the mayoral iPod -- "I listen to country, alternative, and opera! I have 2,198 songs uploaded! Look at me, I'm fancy!" Oh, please.

Anyhow -- never let it be said your Junkie doesn't work for you! We've got the answer to the question we're sure you're all asking in the wake of the Newsom-Perry Farrell-"and they were all yellow" revelations -- what, dare we ask, is on Chris Daly's iPod? Answer after the jump.

Picture of Da Gavs with Alice DJs Sarah and No-Name from the website
