Everyone is about San Francisco! The results of the San Francisco residents' poll about San Francisco are in, and the city scored a C+. Not quite at "SEE ME" levels, but you ain't getting into Cal or Stanford with a 2.5 GPA either. Residents complained about MUNI. Residents complained about cleanliness. Residents complained about parks being closed. The public bathrooms are gross. The streets have potholes. Houses are too expensive. And Caucasian residents don't use the public schools. And putting their money where their whiny mouths are, 1/3 of the city is threatening to move. The only bright spot is that people feel safer.

Newsom's taking a whatevs attitude about the whole thing, no doubt smugly thinking, If you'd voted for my tax increases, you'd like your city more. "I would have given me an F," he chuckles. It's certainly true that we have no money to fix any of it, so you might as well laugh. And really -- with his popularity levels so high, who else you gonna vote for?
