Ms. Jones, who was once in a band called Fatalblastwhip, is now facing federal charges for threatening both Michael Schiavo and a Federal Judge. In light of the recent shootings of Judges in Atlanta and Chicago, threatening a Judge is considered seriously unkosher these days (unless you’re Tom DeLay). Ms. Jones, however, insists that when she said it was "for real" it wasn't "for real" and was a joke. The FBI, however, is not amused. Having gotten in trouble several times for writing joke e-mails that people thought were serious, we would like to suggest to Ms. Jones that maybe next time she should try and use an emoticon. Yeah, it may make you look dorky, but better to look dorky than spend time in prison. And if you just like posting on boards to vent your anger, that’s why the Gods of the Internet invented Television Without Pity. Cause you can post "I wish somebody could have killed Spike" as much as you want and the FBI will never care.