What we did see was several comedians, an impressionist, a magician, some slam poetry, cartoon projections, songs about the penis, and ladies knitting. Yes, ladies knitting, although they were part of the audience, not performing. In other words, it was a veritable calvacade of comedy, one that lasted over three and a half-hours and kept SFist up way past our bedtime.

As for the comedy itself, things got off to a bang with jokes about anal sex. That pretty much set the tone. From there on in, we heard jokes about religion, drugs, race, shooting the President (any President), and sex. In other words, it was about as blue as it comes and we mean state as much as style. And in a time when an ex-heart surgeon declares on C-Span that after watching a thirty-second video, he can determine that a vegetable is not a vegetable, it’s good to hear offensively funny things that are meant to be offensively funny.