If you made it by Civic Center in the last few days, you probably noticed a very somber art installation occupying the plaza. Row upon row of boots and shoes stood at quiet attention, representing the American soldiers and Iraqi civilians who have lost their lives since the United States invaded Iraq. Arranged by the American Friends Service Committee, the Eyes Wide Open project is touring the country. You can catch it again in Sacramento from the 29th to the 31st.

Derek Powazek sent us a link to his photos, and shares his humbling experience meeting a mother who lost her only son in the conflict, and offers his thoughts on the situation:

It's so easy to get lost in the politics and bullshit. We laugh at the Daily Show and bide our time until 2008. Meanwhile, people are dying in the mess we made. The Eyes Wide Shut exhibition adds more boots every day. And no matter your political affiliation, perhaps we can all agree that each pair is another pair too many.

If you would like to donate to the American Friends to support this kind of work, check out their How to Give page.

Photo by Derek Powazek.