Buried inside the Chron's Bay Area section a while back, we found a story about an East Bay blogger who is currently embroiled in a court battle against Kaiser Permantente. As we're always looking out for the underdog here at SFist, our "benefit of the doubt" went out to the blogger, and not the massive HMO. We're funny like that.

The woman in question, who goes by the handle "Diva of Disgruntled," painted a sordid tale of mistreatment at the hands of her managers when she worked at Kaiser. What really resonated with us was her about page, which pretty much summed up many of our feelings regarding the internal culture and politics of the workplace at large corporations.

After getting the shaft at the office, and having the Human Resources department destroy documents relating to her case, 'Disgruntled' had to resort to using Google in her search for evidence to support her case. Incidentally, she ended up finding a cache of documents that had been up for years relating to a health-care records system that Kaiser was using. And buried in those documents was data that, while purportedly "sample data," was actual confidential patient information from the medical records of around 140 people.