Naturally, this didn't go over that well with everyone as they began to wonder what the chances of keeping their job are when they've just trained Sanjay and Apu to do it. Or when the company that now employs them, Cognizant, bills itself as "pioneering 4th Generation Offshore Outsourcing."

Best part? Well, except for the getting laid off bit, E*Trade spun it so that people weren't getting laid off. In fact, E*Trade told them they were in fact, doing them a favor in keeping them on. They could have just laid everyone off, but instead, they will keep them on for a couple more months. The fact that during those months the people there will merely be training their replacements had nothing to do with their kind decision. And all the rest of the people who work there, the one's who didn't get laid off and got all re-orged around, most of them are sure that slowly, very slowly, they are all going to be outsourced too.

Meet the new, new economy, same as the old economy.