We're getting so sick of this Schwarzenegger guy -- the unusually small head, the smug perma-grin, the SUVs and cigars, and -- oh yeah! -- the completely unjustified hate for underappreciated working-class people (students, teachers, nurses, women working on movie sets).

So how funny that Schwarzenegger's latest attempt to take his ball and go home to the voters (a-GAIN -- he's like the boy who cried "special election"), has hit a snag. You may recall that Schwarzenegger is now trying to take away teachers' pensions (since teachers make so much money they're completely set for posh retirements on cruise ships and stuff) through a special election process, since, unsurprisingly, he can't seem to convince anyone in the State Senate that this is a good idea.

Well, the Chronicle's David Lazarus reports that the group that Schwarzenegger's cronies have hired to collect and verify signatures has been outsourcing the work to India. Dude, when you can't even keep in the state, you got a problem.

Picture from Arnoldwatch.org

Republican work