In this week's stage roundup, we'll take "Improvised Game Shows" for $200, Alex:
at the Temescal Art Center
It's been a while since we saw improv. It's been even longer since we saw good improv. But improv can be good, and hey, who doesn't want to be on a game show? So the Un-Scripted Theater Company decided to put the two together. Genius! From an email we received from one of the players: "Comedy improv theater meets old-school game show in this out-of-the-ordinary night of improvised entertainment. It's your choice: sit back and enjoy the show or submit your name for a chance to become a contestant. Script-free from beginning to end, this is one live comedy game show you can see again and again. Laugh! Win prizes! It's an exciting night of Un-Scripted fun that's never the same show twice." Preview tonight ($5 as opposed to the normal $10/$7 students/seniors), opening tomorrow, and playing Fridays and Saturdays through March 26. All shows at 8 p.m., except for the "special PG-rated" Sunday matinee, March 20 at 3 p.m. (kids 12 and under get in for $5).
More stage picks for the weekend after the jump...
You Bet Your Improvisor