But first, a word from local filmie Tom Pankratz, whose short film precedes White Skin. Tom's been making films in the bay area for several years, and we like him -- at a Q&A after Wayward, he referred to talented actors as "the best production value you can get," which sounds like a good attitude to have. Wayward is a quiet story about a snippy white lady whose car barrels into an Indie Film Archetype; in this case, it's a blend of The Magical Black Man and The Wise Hobo. A few statements are made about the relative irony of their stations in life, and in the end they both learn An Important Lesson and become friends, although for the life of us we can't understand why. At any rate, it's a nicely acted, well-shot, just-the-right-lengthed little short, and though the moral of the story feels a little forced, it's certainly stronger than nine-tenths of the indie shorts out there.
And now, on to the feature presentation, which features hottt sex, sassy black ladies, and lots of blood. Hopefully not all at once.