Hey, looks like it runs in the administration! Sister-site DCist is at ground zero for the inauguration festivities. Take a moment to peruse their special inauguration coverage -- including a bit that a little birdie forwarded them from local blogger Scaramouche. Mike Grass, DCist co-editor, points up their local access:

As for tomorrow, there will be DCists stationed throughout downtown, from at the event itself to at protests...[R]est assured, we'll be on top of any mass gatherings of men from the hinterlands in cowboy hats and boots and women in fur coats and heavy mascara.

Wait, DCist will be in the Castro?

Update: An anonymous tipster says a mock inauguration is scheduled for 10:30 outside the Federal Building and Courthouse. We've got word out to Billionaires for Bush to see if they'll be cheering the coronation.

Photo from Wonkette, who got the unattributed scan from a now defunct forum thread.