Well, at least 2005 isn't going to be a total wasteland of thwarted progressive political dreams -- Ward Connerly's term on the UC Board of Regents is almost up! It's been a long 12 years.

Connerly's main focus -- eliminating any acknowledgment of race in California (which, depending on your view, either equalizes the field or systematically gets rid of advancement opportunities for the African-Americans and Hispanics) -- led to his support of Prop 209 to end affirmative action (which passed) and Prop 54 to end racial categorization on state forms (which did not). His term is up by March and he has stated that he will not run for another term. Schwarzenegger, who appoints the Regents, declined to discuss whether he had indicated that Connerly would not be reappointed, or who might be appointed to take Connerly's place.

Connerly, who is part Irish, American Indian, and African-American, is bitterly viewed by civil rights activists, though no one contests that he most likely genuinely believes he is furthering the cause of racial justice through his actions. Students also note that he has been a strong advocate of keeping tuition fees low.

Picture from acri.org. Original picture removed at request of publication. And because we can't deal with moderating a debate on race-related issues today, we're going to close the comments -- sorry. Due to popular demand (?), comments are back open. Don't all go crazy at once!