By a 2-1 margin, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Finance Committee Ok-a-lee-do-keed a proposal to give one million dollars out of the San Francisco General Fund for tsunami relief. The two supervisors voting to spend the money were Chris Daly (who proposed the idea) and Tom Ammiano. Voting no was Supervisor Sean Elsbernd. Next step is a full vote in front of the board and then approval by the Mayor. Says Daly:

"A donation like this takes some sacrifice. ... But I believe that San Francisco values humanitarianism, and that the San Francisco value of international solidarity and San Francisco heart trumps on this item.”
It’s chances of passing, however, seem slim as Aaron Peskin has expressed reservations about the plan and the Mayor has indicated he won’t sign it.

All of this comes despite budget deficits ($97 million for this year, possible additional $150 million for next year), layoffs, and service cuts under a backdrop of pretty much the entire city government’s inability to figure out a way out of this mess. And all this too despite the announcement that the Federal Government is about to cut spending programs to cities (that whole “starve the government” thing- gee, thanks Red States) and city schools are about to get their money whacked by the Governator. We would also like to point out those poor senior citizens who had their escort program taken away by want of a mere $800,000.

While SFist is, of course, down for any sort of relief for the tragic events, we do have to wonder about this one. We would like to personally give a million dollars for tsunami relief, as well as buying a cool car and the new Mini-Mac, but we can’t do it- we can’t afford it. And lest it comes off as being cold-hearted for choosing escort-less elderly over starving orphans (oy, that liberal guilt!) we would also like to point out that between the various benefits, donations, and corporate gifts, the Bay Area has more than done it’s part in tsunami relief and will continue to do so in the future.