Adriel Hampton reports on his blog that Alex Clemens, the mastermind behind SF politics must-see site Usual Suspects, has proudly bought ad space on the back of Frank Chu's "Impeach Clinton/12 Galaxies" sign for his company, Barbary Coast Consulting. When accused of taking unfair advantage of an obviously-sick man, Clemens unblinkingly responds that Chu has been taking ads for some time and that Chu should at least make some money promoting his zegnatronic messages. ("Anytime someone says 'I saw your ad on Frank Chu's sign,' he gets a $1 bonus.")

While we're not convinced of Clemens' humanitarian instincts here, there's certainly no denying that Chu's got good local coverage. Plus, the ad is awesome: "Creative Communication for 10 of the 12 Galaxies. Serving all 12 by 2007, honest."

We found this picture on, but cannot find the movie to which it corresponds -- If you know, let us know so we can give it appropriate credit!

post has been edited after confirmation of Barbary Coast Consulting's positive intent in advertising with Chu -- thanks, Alex!
