While it's kind of tempting to snark on some of this- The Insider's big story today was what the stars were doing to help out, including an interview with Clay Aiken on the set of his Public Service Announcement for UNICEF to raise funds- every dollar does help. Which is why we give props to Sandra Bullock for the sheer putting-her-money-where-her-mouth is-ness of throwing down for a million dollars. To further help the cause, on Jan. 15th, NBC Universal will have a telethon on all of the NBC channels (NBC, MSNBC, Bravo, etc.). No announcements have been made as of yet as to who will appear.

So far, Americans have donated over $200 million dollars to the relief effort with the Bay Area doing it's fair share to help. For those of you wishing to help out, here is the Chron's list of places to donate. For other places to donate, as well as the latest news and information on the relief effort, check out the South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami Blog.