For some reason the blog-centric news is coming thick and fast in the new year. Wasn't but a few hours ago we caught that Om Malik has exclusive information about a possible purchase of LiveJournal by SixApart, creators of MoveableType. Does this mean that LiveJournal will begin to look less like a web forum from 1996? And that there will be a spike in TypeKey registrations, meaning more reliable, SPAM free commenting on MoveableType blogs?

With MSN Spaces and Blogger's assimilation into Google, SixApart had to make a move for marketshare, and this would sure be a great one. LiveJournal is a rich pool of relatively tech-naive but enthusiastic content generators ripe for the milking, and MoveableType doesn't crimp the anti-establishment cachet like Microsoft or Google might. Oohoooh, what a little V.C. can doohoooh...

Thanks to Niall Kennedy for the tip, and nice work on scoring the first trackback to Om's post. And congratulations to Ben and Mena Trott on their PC Magazine "People of the Year" award.